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Gifted & Talented


Gifted & Talented Procedures for Screening
All Gifted & Talented evaluations are conducted by the Department of Special Education’s Pupil Appraisal Team. For more information on Gifted & Talented testing please call Pupil Appraisal at 337-365-2343.

The Iberia Parish Schools’ Talented Program fosters the development of the artistic talents of kindergarten through 12th grade students identified by the Louisiana State Department of Education as having extraordinary talent in Music, Theatre or Visual Arts.

Students who have met the state criteria may receive instruction in a specialized enrichment class taught by artist teachers who have special certification based on their expertise in their field.

Their instruction is not a duplication of the regular curriculum in these areas, but an acceleration and enrichment of the subject through the guidance and mentorship of professionally experienced artists as a preparation for a lifelong involvement in the arts.

Students are referred for gifted and talented screening. They may be referred by a teacher, counselor, administrator, or parent. All students go through the SBLC process to determine eligibility for evaluation. Students who meet screening criteria then are offered an evaluation. Parent signs permission and the evaluation process begins. Timelines adhere to Louisiana Department of Education Bulletin 1508 requirements.

The Iberia Parish Gifted and Talented Programs offer services to students in grades K-12 who have been identified as having special learning needs due to exceptionally high academic abilities or an exceptionality in art, music, and/or theater.

Gifted Program
Once a child has been identified by meeting the Louisiana State Department’s criteria, parents meet with the gifted program staff to discuss the individual child’s needs and how they might be best met through a variety of program options. At this meeting, called an I.E.P. conference, an Individual Educational Plan is designed. Services are implemented by teachers of the gifted.

The gifted program offers two types of services - enrichment and academics.

Talented Program
The Iberia Parish Schools’ Talented Program fosters the development of the artistic talents of kindergarten through 12th grade students identified by the Louisiana State Department of Education as having extraordinary talent in Music, Theatre or Visual Arts.

Once a child has been identified by meeting the Louisiana State Department’s criteria, parents meet with the talented program staff to discuss the individual child’s needs. At this meeting, called an I.E.P. conference, an Individual Educational Plan is designed.  Services are implemented by teachers of the talented.

Students may receive instruction in a specialized enrichment class with teachers who are professionally trained artists that provide guidance and mentorship based on their expertise in their field. 

Talented instruction is centered around the specific needs of the student through enrichment of the subject as a preparation for a lifelong involvement in the arts. 

Twice Exceptional Students
Gifted and Talented students who have a disability under IDEA are offered the same services listed under the Gifted Program and the Talented Program options.  Students with a disability receive any accommodations and modifications that each may need to receive a free and appropriate public education in the gifted and/or talented class settings. Students who are dually identified as gifted and talented receive their gifted services as indicated on their IEPs. They also receive their talented services as indicated on their IEPs. All talented services for any dually identified student are provided through a pull-out service usually being pulled out of an elective class for one period each week.